Pinecrest Bakery Midterm Elections 2022 Voting Awareness
Pinecrest Bakery honors the opportunity to serve its client base of over 50,000 customers per month with in-store educational materials that are relevant to the community. Including the 2022 Midterm Elections, with a platform to educate clients of the current elected officials in their district, and to be aware and participate in the upcoming primary elections.
Clients are prompted with step-by-step action guides following the Miami-Dade County "Be Election Ready" campaign, and to "Be Informed. Be Involved." The community is provided resources to find and meet their elected officials at www.myfloridahouse.gov, where by entering their address, they will see who are the State House, State Senate, and U.S. Congress elected officials for their district.
- Vote by Mail: Aug 8-13
- Early Voting: Aug 8-21
- Election Day: Aug 23
Voters are prompted to register to vote, order election ballots, and find their voting poll at Miami-Dade County's official website: www.iamelectionready.org, or may call 305-499-VOTE(8683).